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On this page, you will read some of the feedback I received from clients, as well as students who completed my four-year certificate training program of Holistic Studies held in Amman, Jordan. Click here to watch a video about their experiences.

On this page, you will read some of the feedback I received from clients, as well as students. To read additional ones, please visit More Testimonials page.

I would like to share the many ways that I have changed:

1. I am able to be in the moment so much more. I had a beautiful day walking the streets of Istanbul yesterday on my own. Not thinking about the past, not planning for the day after, but just BEING. It was amazing, and I enjoyed every second of it.

2. I am much more in tune with the feeling of others. I am able to sense when they may be interested or less interested in what I have to say, and it does not offend me when they are less interested. In fact, differing points of view no longer offend me at all. I notice them, I acknowledge that I prefer people to agree with me, and I move on. I am no longer likely to try and convince people of my point of view - even those closest to me.

3. I have an inner stillness which I have always dreamed of but never knew could be attainable. I am less likely to need and want instant gratification and my relationship to material possessions is much more balanced and comfortable.

4. I listen to my body more and can help it do it what it needs to do. I don't know if this may sound crazy, but I find I can ease any small pain or discomfort by just giving it my attention for a very short while. Is this possible?!

Raghda Butros - Amman, Jordan


"As I look back five years ago, I cannot but feel totally stunned by the mysterious ways the universe has in bringing people together, and creating events, which in the right time and space trigger a new direction in one’s life course. This is precisely what happened to me. During the four years of dedicated course work I learned a lot, undertook an amazing self-study and began to feel my personal transformation and growth taking place, effecting  various  aspects of my life. Most importantly however, I began to understand and accept myself, the true meaning of love and compassion for myself and others. I have learned to trust and embrace the wisdom that lives within me and start to navigate my own life with confidence. The Universe does begin in the Mind, indeed! I wholeheartedly wish that others follow into my steps."

Rumi Bahova - Amman, Jordan


"My four-year course at Munira Nusseibeh’s School of Holistic Studies greatly improved the quality of my life. I started out as an angry and immature person, immature not behaviorally, but emotionally. The classes I took opened my awareness to the reality of things, and I realized that I was looking at life through very thick ‘me-colored’ glasses: That my experiences in life were grossly constricted due to all the beliefs and restrictions that I involuntarily and subconsciously carried with me.

I have since then changed on the inside, and therefore have affected change in all other aspects of my life. Relationships that were detrimental to me fell away, and the relationships that were good but troubled became more tranquil. My bouts of depression subsided drastically and my outlook on life has become both joyful and hopeful.

It is a great blessing to be content in where you stand in life, and I feel that this course is what opened me up to allowing contentment."

Salam Almoghraby - Amman, Jordan


"Doing this course is the real gift I ever gave to myself. To open the inner eye and tap into my power to take action and decide the course of the wind I will flow with is the transformation acquired in this course. Becoming also the channel of those inner powers that allowed my entire environment to benefit from being in self truth was the other gift I gave to others.

Dina Lahlou- Amman, Jordan

More Client & Graduate Testimonials


On this page, you will read some of the feedback I received from clients, as well as students.
"Ever since I moved to Dubai, I'd been obsessed with my weight problem. The more I thought about it, the more weight I gained, seriously! I tried every solution I stumbled upon, from exercise to dieting, fasting, praying, reading articles, books, internet scraps, support groups, 8-week to a new you program, hypnosis, Blood type test (that shows you what foods make you fat), endocrinologist tests, shrink, and diet food delivered to my home, depression test (I did not even qualify as officially depressed!), Liposuction, Reiki, breathing classes, and Reductil tablets. You name it, I've tried it! The most effective results would last for ONE week maximum. Sooner than I thought, I'd be back to the searching mode again. It even occurred to me that I'd been doomed with the evil number 70. I heard of Munira, and being who I am, I had to go discover this new phenomena. My husband thought it would be another ingredient to add to my BIG cake of experiences. IT WASN'T.

The first day was OK, good enough to push me to my next session. The second day I got hooked. I was able to relive the experience as a fetus in my mommy's womb. I ended up tackling issues I never knew they existed in the first place. After 10 days, I was a person NOT OBSESSED with my weight.  This came after 5 years of continuous suffering. I came out a happier person. Even when I started feeling weak after a while, I called up Munira on the phone. I was really down. All I needed was a quick fix on the phone to get me jumping up and down again. She gave me little tips and some exercises on how to face my weaknesses. Guess what? I am getting rid of the kilos, and I'm happy with who I am during the process. To me, this is a big achievement I never thought would be so easy to reach."
S.R. - Dubai
"The most challenging part of the journey of self discovery at Munira's was working with a client. I was the observer witnessing the transformation of another person's life over the duration of six months, the experience was fabulous!

A lost soul, lamenting the loss of a loved one, seeing the globe as a dark negative environment, helpless and miserable. However, with determination and perseverance to get out of the situation changes started to take place. The acceptance of the duality in life and pure intention were major aspects of the transformation. The process was slow, but with my client's new sense of awareness, and outlook on life, positive changes materialized.

Because their intention came from their core essence, it was a truthful and a rewarding experience. Proof of what one wants one gets, that life is an on going process, and it's up to us how we take it. As I kept repeating to my client and am still repeating to myself, "go with flow, don't go against the waves, because you will never get to the shore" .... each lesson that I have learnt during process is a treasure that I shall cherish for life."
Leila Kalis - Amman, Jordan
"I came to Munira in 2000 seven years ago with an exceptional pain having experienced an emotional trauma in a very important relationship in my life. I arrived at her doorstep feeling victimized – hurt, obsessed, paralyzed, angry and tearful.

What I have learned in these past seven years with Munira’s help is that I created this relationship trauma to help me heal and integrate childhood and karmic patterning and evolve my emotional self.  The greatest lesson for me was to chatter idealism and make space inside me for compassion and love for the imperfect me and in turn, the imperfection in others.

Work with Munira restored my sense of responsibility towards what I am facing in my life. I now adopt a new perspective which allows me the freedom to confront my journey in a different way, making the path an exciting and challenging lesson in observation, unveiling childhood wounds, tapping into the shadow self and understanding the dilemma of attachment to negative pleasure. I have been working in re-scripting many core beliefs that hindered my ability to fulfill my life long calling and because of that my life has been transformed in every way. I am now able to use my own healing to help others which include my family, my students and my friends, directing them toward the path of self responsibility, emotional healing and self love.

To be on the healing path is to live fully in the truth - facing one’s own negative emotional patterning and integrating this shadow self to create a more positive life. Munira's counseling and healing helped me face the shadow in me, tapping into the power of the destroyer and the creator. These two polarities contain great power for self development & growth especially when in balance and harmony with each other.

My work with Munira continues to evolve and grow and reach new heights. Her work with me has been transformational in every way." Samar M Dudin, MNHC Class of 2005

On this page, you will read some of the feedback I received from MNHC graduates.
"Through re-reading the Koran and linking the knowledge I was studying at MNHC I was able to overcome my mistrust in God, and I found my path back to Him!"
Rula Hijazi Amad
"My marriage and the things I'd decided to avoid didn't go as planned and I ended up with my own marital challenges, which made me sometimes, inflict my anger and frustrations on my children, always leaving me feeling guilty. I became depressed and it was then I realized it was time to heal.
My years at the course at MNHC were an eye opener, to look within, uncover the mask, discover the lower self, the negative pleasure, my main rigid character and pattern behavior. I thank my colleagues and appreciate their experiences; they helped me develop less criticism, more acceptance, compassion and love.
My special thanks go to our teacher for her dedication, patience and impressive tolerance.
Maias Al- Rashid
"Dear Munira, This is to thank you for the opportunity and privilege you have offered me during the past four years, for me to understand my self, and others, and to heal and grow. With my love and appreciation."
Lina Nuqul, June 2009
"In Munira's school of holistic studies I met myself physically, mentally and spiritually. From a state of slumber and automatic reactions I woke up. I began to feel more alive and more loving."
Anas Madi
"When I enrolled in MNSHS 4 years back, I was intrigued by the mystique of the unknown, little would I have known then, how much mystery was to be uncovered from within... this was truly transformational Munira, thank you and I continue to pray to be able to pass this on as beautifully as I have received it."
Ruba Homaidi
"Working with Munira helped me to look at old challenges in new ways that are much more simpler and interesting. I now look at them from a different perspective."
Lal Sheikh - Saudi Arabia
"I met Munira the year I had reached a dead end in my life. Through our counseling sessions she helped me see why I was experiencing certain things & feeling the way I was feeling. She helped me realize the role I played in my own life situations. Through her continuous patience, love & compassion she helped me develop compassion & love for myself. I quickly realized Munira's course was going to lead me to my own salvation. Through the past four years I have gained wonderful amount of knowledge & self awareness. I will always regard my downfall, meeting Munira & taking her course as one of the greatest gifts life has offered me. Thank you Munira. I love you."
Nathalie Khalaf, Class of 2013 - Dubai
"The MNHC CTP course has provided the commitment, the focus, the context, and the conscious and dedicated hard work- the perfect environment for my personal growth! Not only did I acquire new vocabulary and new insights; but gradual acceptance that I was the creator of all my experiences. I realised that for the most part of life I struggled because I was not "connected"; I had a fixed point of view of what was happening in my life and why. Although I have been working professionally in the holistic field for more than twenty two years, I discovered that I was unaware of many hidden aspects.

The way the course was structured helped me tremendously. Each term and year varied between zooming-in to a microscopic level of the mind when we traced our disassociated thought form, faced the mirror to observe how it had literally manifested. And zooming out extending our focus onto others and our relationship with them. Our course was constantly vibrant, interesting, challenging and pulsating.

For me personally, MNHC CTP was the string that brought all the different and scattered beads together into a beautiful necklace. All the bits of knowledge and understanding, the missing links I yearned to uncover, the purpose of my life, and of the anatomy of my being; came together just like the bees to honey, like the morning dew to a flower. I can't imagine where I'd be today without having gone through it! Thank you Munira form the bottom of my heart for this: the greatest of gifts"
Sahar Huneidi, Class of 2013 - London

© 2019 by Munira Nusseibeh

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