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Holistic Links

Please use your own judgment when referring or using these holistic resources and keep visiting these pages as more resources will be added in the future.


Resources on this page are for information purposes only and include, courses, colleges or organizations which I have tried or used myself, and people who I have come to know through my work.


Please use your own judgment when referring or using these holistic resources


Barbara Brennan School of Healing

A specialized college for the study of hands-on energy healing and personal transformation. The college remains under Dr. Brennan's ownership, management and guidance since its founding in 1982. Brennan Healing Science has helped tens of thousands of people with their physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual challenges, allowing them to discover their own unique path in life.



Elizabeth Kubler Ross

Dr. EKR passed away on August 24, 2004. In a mission to keep Elisabeth's spirit alive, the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation (EKR Foundation) was formed. Its mission is to continue Elisabeth's life work by educating caregivers on the intricacies of compassionate bereavement care and to provide bereavement care to all families affected by death - all over the world.


Healing Tao

The web site of Master Mantak Chia, details about his retreat, courses, and training.


International Path Work Foundation

a body of practical spiritual wisdom that lays out a step-by-step journey into personal transformation and wholeness, down to the very core of our being. It is a voyage of discovery to the Real Self through the layers of our defenses, denial and fear.


The International Institute of Core Energetics®

Core Energetics® (CE) is the dynamic force in the evolution of our core, The Core represents the individualized universal life energy and with that, our essential being. Core Energetics supports the unfolding of our essential being on all levels of existence.


Spring Forest Qigong

7520 Market Place Drive

Edan Prairie, Minnesota 55344

United state

952 593-5555



The publishers cannot accept any responsibility for any damage or harm caused by any treatment, advice, or information contained in this publication. In the case of illness, you should consult a qualified practitioner before undertaking any treatment.


Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.

© 2019 by Munira Nusseibeh

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