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The  Munira Nusseibeh Holistic Center - MNHC

​​Since I started my practice as a holistic counselor, and as a result of several years of experience, I have devised my own integrative and holistic certificate training program:
 Munira Nusseibeh Holistic Center - MNHC, which offers a four-year program leading to a Certificate. The first intake of students graduated in June 2006, and some have since set up their own holistic counseling practices.


MNSH program offers you


Certificate Training Program:


This is an intensive and comprehensive full time course conducted over 4 years at the end of which students receive a Certificate of Holistic Studies which enables them to set up their own Holistic Practice. Click here to watch a video testimonial of some of the graduates reflecting on their experience of Thea course.

Participants who may wish to attend specific short course they are interested in for their own benefit, without the desire to commit to the full 4-year program, please visit Short Courses page.


MNSH can assist you with


• Personal and professional fulfillment
• Creating healthier relationships 
• Experiencing more joy, spontaneity and peace in your daily life. 
• Healing physical injuries faster 
• Understanding the three levels of consciousness: body, mind and emotions 
• Deepening the level of Self-awareness  
• Understanding Character Structure, Belief System and their relationship to the Physical Structure
• Counseling, self and others
• Grief and emotional trauma recovery 
• Coping with irreversible conditions and diagnosis


Please visit enrollment and policies page for additional information.



Certificate Training Program in Holistic Studies

MNHC is a four-year curriculum which allows the student to grow by integrating and applying, on their person, the methods and tools learnt at the school. Therefore the student offers his, or her, own experience to become a holistic counselor.


The program is designed for students to understand, embody and experience the three levels of consciousness: Body, mind, and emotional consciousness.


Most disharmonies in the body are the result of mental and emotional disturbances. Students study the physical and energetic structure of the body, as well as, character structure based on mind-conditioning, and how they affect one another. Thus, students develop the skills to heal themselves and others, holistically, through comprehending and facilitating the processes of body, mind and emotion.


• Classes are small

• Students are given individual attention, and

• As a group they share powerful experiences of transformation and healing.


The students' own healing process will enable them to guide, support, connect and feel with their prospective clients.

At the end of the four-year comprehensive course, students receive a Certificate of Holistic Studies that enables them to set up their own Holistic Practice.


Certificate Training Program - Syllabus

We list the detailed syllabus for the Holistic Certificate Training Program below, and in addition, once you enroll on the course, you will be given a reading list, and a more detailed course program for the first year.


First Year

Getting in touch with the Self - The Evolution of the Self from Childhood to Adulthood
Aspects of Consciousness 
Mind Conditioning and it's relation to Physical Conditioning
Energy Structure - Auric Field and Chakra system, 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Character Structure
Group Sessions
Energy Healing


Second Year

Deepening the level of Awareness of Self
The Anatomy of the Psyche
Exploring Patterns - Evolution of Consciousness
Energy Structure- Auric Field and Chakra system 4th and 5th level
Character Structure
Group Sessions
Energy Healing


Third Year

Each year is a continuation and a process of deepening the level of awareness, connecting and expressing out the inner self.
The Anatomy of the Psyche
Evolution of Consciousness - From the Persona to the transpersonal aspect of consciousness
Character Structure - Physical characteristics and psychological dynamic
Continuing study of Energy Fields and Chakra Systems - Chakra system 6th and 7th level
Energy Healing
Group sessions


The Fourth Year

The Fourth year is the year of synthesis, manifestation, clarity of mind and truth
Counseling and Case Studies - working with a client
Energy Healing
Group sessions

We reserve the right to amend the details of our Syllabus from time to time, the information  given here is for guidance only .




Before you enroll formally at MNHC, it is best to set up an appointment for a few sessions to have an experiential feel about the studies. There are no requirements for short courses.

Before you enroll formally at MNHC, it is best to set up an appointment for a few sessions to have an experiential feel about the studies. There are no requirements for short courses.

To enroll at Munira Nusseibeh Holistic Center - MNHC for any of the courses, please contact us by telephone, or email.




• What qualifies a student is the desire for, and the commitment to, self knowledge.

• Most courses are based on English texts and a student therefore needs to have a good

  command of English, both for reading and speaking.

• People from all backgrounds and all ages are welcome.

• Students taking any form of drugs are not accepted.



Payment is made in US Dollars, or in Jordanian Dinars. Course fees vary and you will be given the current fees for courses when you contact me.


Attendance and Location

• All courses take place in Amman, Jordan.

• Non-Jordanian students are responsible for securing the relevant Jordanian entry visas for the period of the course.

• Accommodation is the responsibility of the students, but rental agencies are plentiful, and therefore should not be a problem.


Certificate Training Program - Schedule

The MNHC Program is a 4-year certificate training program. We meet  for two-and-a-half hours each evening for a week, six times a year. Between sessions, you will be given work which encompasses reading, writing, self-reflection and skills practice.


• Students have to be at least 18 years of age and have a high school diploma or equivalent, and can speak English. For more information, please visit Policies page.


• Students register for the whole course, payments are made at the beginning of each year.



Please read some of the testimonials from students who successfully completed the program.


© 2019 by Munira Nusseibeh

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